In the modern age of screens, there’s nothing quite like holding a detailed photo in your hands. When bringing your photography to life, you should carefully consider how it’s presented, as it's not just in a feed on your social media profile. Large formats have a lot of creative options like metal and wood canvases, but what about when you want to offer your customers something smaller and more affordable? That’s when you need photo insert cards.
They are a unique way to showcase your photos through a well-designed card that allows you to insert your photo behind a window. We’re here to give you a peek at how they work, who they’re for, and more.
How They Work
Photo insert cards are incredibly simple to use, and the results are stunning. Here’s a quick guide to how they work:
Step 1: Reference the dotted lines are provided on our photo holder cards to ensure that your photo is straight.
Step 2: Peel the wax paper back off the photo anchor adhesive strip and position your photo face down. You can confirm its orientation by looking at the front of the card.
Step 3: Peel the wax paper back off the edge seal adhesive strips and fold the bottom of the card over the back of the photo lining up carefully; apply firm pressure.
That’s it! The ease of use makes these cards accessible to everyone, regardless of experience or technical skill. We even offer a variety of accessories for those assembling large batches of cards.
How Are They Made?
At Photographer’s Edge, our cards are proudly made in the USA, using only materials sourced from within the United States. This commitment to domestic manufacturing means that you can count on high-quality craftsmanship and ethical sourcing. Our cards have a reduced environmental impact due to using exclusively recycled cardstock and having shorter transportation distances. Each photo insert card is meticulously crafted to ensure durability, beauty, and ease of use. The materials utilized are of premium quality, with cardstocks that offer the perfect balance of thickness and flexibility. This ensures that the card feels substantial in hand but is still easy to fold and manipulate when adding your photo.
Who Are They For?
The simple answer here is that photo insert cards are for everyone! But we’d love to give you some insight on how our customers use our products in their businesses and their daily lives.
Professional & Amateur Photographers
Like we touched on at the start of the article, the customers at your photography studio may not always be ready to invest in large works of art. A great way to get your work into their home, and potentially encourage a future larger purchase, is through the use of photo holder cards. If you’re a photographer in a beautiful area, like our headquarters in Colorado Springs, you also have the opportunity to sell your captures of the scenery at local souvenir shops. We offer everything you need to do so, even including display racks. This is a great way to increase profits for your business or could be how you get your foot in the door as an amateur photographer.
No matter where you’re at in your professional journey, you can always use our cards as a way to showcase your portfolio; as you’re handing potential clients your business card, why not give them a thoughtfully presented image that makes an impact.
One and All
Photo insert cards aren’t just for photographers—they’re for anyone who wants to share a meaningful image. Whether you're sending out holiday cards, wedding invitations, or birth announcements, a carefully crafted card adds a personal touch that makes the recipient feel special. Imagine sending a beautifully crafted card with a photo of your family, your newborn, or a momentous occasion. It’s more than just a card—it’s a memory encapsulated in a meaningful way.
Shop Our Selection of Photo Insert Cards Today
Ready to take your photos to the next level? Whether you're a professional looking for the perfect way to bump up profits, an amateur wanting to take things up a notch, or someone who simply wants to make a memorable impression, photo insert cards are the ideal solution. Don’t settle for just any card—check out all our great options at Photographer’s Edge, made in the USA with care and precision.
Explore our selection today to find the perfect match for all your photos!